Why Bowen?

April 28, 2010

Out of all the decisions Sarah and I made before our girls were born, naming them was one of the hardest. But with Bowen, every decision has been harder than choosing a name.  We believe that God knits every child together in the womb, just like Psalms 139:13-14 says,

“For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praie You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

For some reason, God gave Bowen a little heart, and whether or not it’s His will to make it bigger someday, we believe that Bowen’s story will be bigger than any heart and that his spirit will remain victorous.

So why Bowen? Because it was the only name we could find that meant small, victorious one. (http://www.babynamespedia.com/meaning/Bowen)
Also, we think it’s pretty cool.
As for his middle name? I’m a proud daddy, ’cause my wife wants his middle name to be Matthew…
So it’s official…Bowen Matthew Hammitt

59 Responses to “Why Bowen?”

  1. God is so good! We havn’t seen you guys forever but we pray for you and your example to so many! Hope to see you guys some day soon and meet your little man, Bowen!


  2. Emily said

    Blessings upon all of you and may God shine his love down on you. Thank you for sharing your story. Bowen and your family will be in my prayers.

  3. Corrine said

    I think it’s a wonderful name, very original, and very fitting. We are praying for little Bowen always, and you, too!

  4. Maria aka Rockermom said

    I love it, may God continue to bless you guys as you wait for the joyous arrival of Bowen. Cant wait to see pics of little Bowen Matthew Hammitt, he’s going to be a handsome little boy like the rest of the family. Much love, be blessed!

  5. Tammy Fletcher said

    Y’alls sweet family is in my prayers. Y’all have already been such a blessing to so many just by sharing your story so far. I know that God is at work in your lives and His plan will be revealed through all of this. God bless you Hammitt family!

  6. abby said

    I’m so thrilled to be able to read along with your journey. My mom has told me bits and pieces of what has been going on from what she has heard at TCS. I’m so sorry to hear about this, but God will bring good from it. My husband and I recently went through our own pregnancy scare, so even though I don’t fully understand, I feel like I can relate on some level. We will be praying for you. Thanks for being so open. Oh, and your daughters are precious!

  7. Beth Morgan said

    I think Bowen is a beautiful name. I continue to pray for your son and for your family. I am thankful that you continue to glorify God through this trial. What an amazing example you are setting for your girls and for people everywhere. Thank you for sharing this with us and allowing us to know you through this. Remember Romans 8:28!
    Bless you!

  8. Portia said

    I can’t even imagine this journey, but I commit to pray for you as you walk it.You are a blessing to many.

  9. What a great name!

    Bowen, we are praying for you, sweet boy!

    Love the picture of Emmy & Claire. You guys have a beautiful family!

    Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you need anything. We can’t do much, but we are happy to pray & answer whatever questions we can.


    Dillon, Amy & Ethan

  10. Hi Bowen!

    We just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you, sweet boy! You be nice to your mommy in there, ok? 😉

    Matt and Sarah, please let us know if we can do anything for you guys. I know there’s not much we can do from a geographical standpoint, but know we are always praying. Please don’t hesitate to ask whatever questions are on your minds.

    Emmy and Claire, you look like you’re going to be GREAT big sisters! We are praying for you, too!!!


    Amy, Dillon, and Ethan

  11. Lauren said

    Each of you are in my prayers! Love you guys.

  12. Hammitt Family,

    We just wanted to let you know that we are praying for you and for Bowen. Please let us know if you have any HLHS, hospital, doctor, medication, etc. questions for us. We have probably asked them already. If and when you are in Dallas again, we would love to meet up with you. We are sure that Bowen will be just as strong as Tucker!

    May God bless you!

    Trent, Dena, & Tucker

  13. Sorry for my double-posts. Comment #1 was done via my phone and it didn’t show it went thru. :-/

  14. Congrats on picking such a precious name for your baby boy, its perfect! I will continue to keep Bowen and the entire Hammitt family in my prayers, thank you for letting us join with you and see your journey in this way. You are all a blessing and encouragement to me!

  15. Kristina M said

    Hello all! I wanted to let you know that I will be adding you to our prayer list at our little church, Roney’s Point Presbytarian Church, Triadelphia, WV. I am a new listener of K-Love and having recently become an Aunt for the first time, your story moved me deeply. Our little congregation is going to raise Bowen and mommy and daddy up to the Lord in prayer. May God continue to shower you and your family with blessings!
    Kristina, Wheeling, WV

  16. Megan said

    I’m stopping over from Vintage Sassy. I will keep you all in my prayers during this difficult time. You have a beautiful family and baby Bowen will just complete that! I love that name and I have a Claire also!

  17. David, T'Nell, and Page family said

    We are so glad to hear about the name you chose! It’s amazing how God just gives you a name sometimes that will fit your child perfectly! We are praying for you all! Much love and blessings to you all.
    Please remember we are here if you need anything at all!

    The Pages

  18. Kristi said

    I just heard your story on KLOVE about deciding upon a name. As you were describing the “little warrior” that he is, I thought you were going with David for a name. But Bowen is a perfect name.

    I’m dealing with the death of my friend’s 3#, 1-month old preemie boy this past Tuesday that died from necrotizing enterocolitis. It’s their first child, and it’s been very sad. Although we’ve never met and hearing about your upcoming trials, there is a small connection.

    Children are so precious, as you are both well aware. And the questions that arise will be endless. But you have also seen what an impact he has made on strangers by the outpouring of emails and letters, and now your blog, that your little man has made. Know that we all love you and your family, and that Bowen is so loved by so many.

    God’s Peace,

    Kristi, Omaha

  19. Adam Bowen said

    I am a Bowen. My wife and I have a son that has had nothing but health problems all his life. He has had too many surgeries to count. At four months old, I thought we were going to lose him. We recently celebrated his 10th birthday. God is so good. Through Jesus he has guaranteed our victory. We all are Bowen’s in Jesus. 😉

  20. Kevin Sullivan said

    Thank you all for sharing with us. I want you to know our prayers are with Bowen and the entire family. We pray that the strength of Christ will bring all of you through this difficult time. May God bless you and keep you strong.

    God bless,

  21. Valerie said

    Praying for all of you.

  22. Jaime said

    Beautiful name and family. May God bless you all during this challenging time.

  23. Julie said

    It has been almost 2 years since my little girl was diagnosed with anecephaly, a neural tube defect, in the womb. The Tuesday after mother’s day 2008, I was anticipating becoming a mother for the 4th time, when I went to my ob/gyn appointment. I walked out with my boys dazed, and hurt. I decided to carry Hannah to term, to give God my love and trust in Him, to allow Him to direct my path. Not always easy. Hannah seemed very healthy and normal in the womb. She was born Oct 24, 2008, she lived for 90 minutes, her organs were donated through IOPO, to help another live. She shares a birthday with her youngest brother. May God bless and bring peace to your hearts. With God nothing is impossible.

  24. Lisa C. said

    I heard your story on Lisa and Eric’s show this morning and I wanted to direct you to a website I’ve been following about an amazing family and their little girl Chrissie. The story is a testament that Our God is mighty to save. I pray that your sweet boy will be healed in whatever way God chooses and will have a long abundant life hear on earth with you. I also wanted to tell you about a friend of ours. About fifteen years ago my husband and I were working at a small Navy hospital when our fellow nurse came in with her very sick eleven day old baby girl. Turned out that she had undiagnosed HLHS. She made it through the crisis that day and all her subsequent surgeries and is now a teenager who, although is limited in some capacities, lives a very full and abundant life.
    Here is the website that I mentioned earlier,
    http://www.allarepreciousinhissight.blogspot.com. Please check it out, you will be greatly encouraged.

  25. James said

    Your story has touched my heart so very deeply. I am the Uncle to an angle, Jacob who suffered from a birth defect called Anencephaly. Jacob lived for a few hours after his birth, but his life has had such a deep and lasting affect on all who knew and loved him. Through his parent’s, Julie and Steve, deep faith in God and their participation in the CRHP program at St. Christine Parish so many lives have come to know Jesus in a more deep and spiritual way. I know that your story will also have a similar impact because you have chosen to include all of us in on this journey.
    I thank you for sharing your story because I know how difficult this all must be for you and your family.
    Please know that you and baby Bowen are in my prayers and trust in God that His will be done.

  26. Leah wilkinson said

    My son, Dylan was born almost 17 years ago (June 18)with hypoplastic left heart. The first 2 years were a rollercoaster but through many prayers and God’s help we made it through. Dylan is now a strong young man who plays the drums in youth band and in church on sundays. He has had a few minor complications over the past 1 1/2 years but is doing great now. We would love to talked to you or possibly meet with your family in the near future. We thought there was no hope for Dylan when he was born but 17 years later we have living proof of what can be done through God. Dylan has already contacted you through twitter. We are also encouraged in what you said about the 24 yr old girl with HLHS. Your family is in our prayers.

    • Leah,

      How awesome to read of your son, Dylan! Having only been a member of the “heart community” for the past 17 months, most of the HLHS heart warriors I know are babies. This changed recently upon meeting Maribeth, the 24 yr old Matt spoke of. What an amazing story! What testimonies she and Dylan have! I know that if we had been able to meet with an older survivor of TGA (our son’s defect), it would have been a huge help!

      Heart hugs to you and your son!


  27. Tracy said

    I heard mention of your story this morning on KLove and had to write. My son was born in November with Transposition of the Great Arteries, another congenital heart defect that required surgery the week after he was born. They hadn’t picked up on it in the ultrasound, so we didn’t find out about it until his birth day. A week before he was born my husband and I finally settled on a name, Ian, which means “God is gracious.” Name meanings are important to me but we had no idea at the time how fitting his name would be. God has indeed been gracious to us. I look at my son and am not only amazed at how God has healed his heart, but also how God has done a healing work in my own heart. I love the name you have picked for your son. I am praying for your precious small victorious one. I am also praying for your family. These can be scary days. But most of all I am praying that God will be glorified through it all. He is so faithful. I look forward to following Bowen’s story and hearing how God works.

    • Hi Tracy,

      Our son, Ethan, was also born with TGA. We didn’t find out until he was 5 days old. He also had a VSD. He is now almost 17 months old (12/3/08).

      If you would ever like to talk, please feel free to email me. aym4him@gmail.com

      I’m blown away by the outpouring of support on this blog. If it’s having this effect on me, I can only imagine what Matt, Sarah, Emmy and Claire are feeling!!

      May we never cease praying for one another!


  28. Scott Herschberger said

    I listened to your story this morning on way to work. WOW! I am struggling with myself and my commitment to God. I listen with such admiration at folks like you guys that have so much faith in Him. I have had tough circumstances in my life that i did not understand for a long time. But now see clearly what God had in mind for me. You illustrate what it means to practice what is preached. I have nothing to complain about and hope pray that Gods will be done. Thanks for your illustration of faith. It will be another building block for me in my walk.

    Scott and Jennifer Herschberger

  29. Jose and Jeanette Moreno said

    We will keep your family and baby Bowen in our prayers. God is Good and what is of His will, will be done. God bless you and your family and thank you for sharing you life with us. You and your family have been a blessing on us. Again, God Bless! =)

  30. Lisa D. said

    I saw your story on KLove’s Facebook page. We are praying for Bowen and your family. God is the great creator. We had an expectant mother in our church who was told that her baby had no kidneys and was most likely down syndrome. She was counseled to abort, but she gathered up her prayer partners at church instead. She carried the baby boy to term. I’m not sure when the miracle happened, but he was born perfectly healthy…no down syndrome and with 2 healthy kidneys. He’s a perfectly normal 5 yr old now. God is still the miracle worker. Continue to trust Him, and we will continue to pray with you.
    Lisa (Indiana)

  31. Annie said

    Hi – I came over from Vintage Sassy – your neighbor LeAnn’s blog. We will be sending up prayers for your family from Central Illinois. I know God is still in the miracle business. God Bless!


    • Amy Rising said

      Hello Matt and Family,

      I have included a link to a blog of a friend of mine. Her son is currently 2 months old and has HLHS. He has just undergone his second surgery and although it has been a complete rollercoaster for them, God is so good. Little Bodie Isaac is a miracle and a testimony to the Great Physician. I think you would be very encouraged by his story, I know we have been.

      May God continue to bless you,

  32. Patricia said

    Dear Matt and family,

    I am so thankful that KLOVE has posted your blog. Know that you all, drs., janitors, everyone, will be prayed for. I know God has you FIRMLY in His mighty arms.

    God Bless you all,

  33. It has been 2 years since we had our April visit and find out that our Emma Kate would have HLHS. My wife and I have received so much comfort and support from the Heart Community that we never knew existed. Please know that you are in our prayers as Bowen begins this journey. Please be comforted in knowing that God has blessed amazing doctors with the knowledge and ability to help your child. If you ever need anything, my family, as well as countless others, are willing to give hope.

  34. Brittany Monroe said

    I am a social worker in a neonatal intensive care unit. I see miracles that GOD performs and how GOD works through surgeons, caregivers, parents etc on a daily basis. I have learned that nothing is to gib for GOD and to always be amazed at what he can do. After hearing your story on K-love, I immediately starting praying for your family. Your strength and faith is so inspiting to me. I want to thank you for showing us all how important it is to “practice what we preach” ALL the time, not jus when we feel like it. You all are truly amazing and I pray that GOD will provide Bowen with total healing. You all will be in my prayers.

  35. Lynn said

    When I was 25 weeks pregnant, our little boy was diagnosed with hypoplastic right heart syndrome. His heartbeat was very irregular and we were sent to further specialists. God in His great love and mercy chose to miraculously heal Peter’s heart and within a month of the initial diagnosis, his heartbeat was normal and he was born without any problems. Even the doctors had to consider the power of prayer that intervened in his little life! Today he is a healthy, energetic and loving 7 year old, whose heart is so soft and so loving because God specially touched it before he was born. We gave him a special middle name because God was with us, Emmanuel. We will never forget what He did for our little boy! However He chooses to heal Bowen, believe that He is almighty and merciful! He can do anything!

  36. Kate said

    Dear Matt and Sarah
    We found your blog through your neighbor Leann. My husband and I are committed to lifting your family in prayer daily as your journey with Bowen continues. No greater joy does the heart feel than being a part of God’s amazing family and strenghten each other through the valleys of life. Please know that you and Sarah are being loved by us here in Southern California.

    God Bless you

  37. Tricia said

    I will be praying for you and your precious baby boy. I know God will keep his hand on you and guide you down whichever path has been chosen for you. God bless.

  38. Donna said

    Might I suggest a great book? My youngest was born at 32 weeks. The best book I read was ‘Parenting your Premature Baby and Child’. I know that there have been more revisions since then, but it was a great comfort to me and made all the ‘scary’ stuff about hospitals and procedures seem normal and regular. I had a hard time getting nursing started and it walked me through it. I ended up pumping until my wee man got the hang of it. Of course, prematurity is not what you are dealing with, but most of the info in there will be similar to what you may expect. I pray for your family during this difficult and wonderful time. BTW, my 9 yr old is perfectly perfect now, despite heart, lung, and digestive problems. Every child is different and wonderful! I am sure your little guy will be perfectly perfect too!!

  39. Mel said

    Prayers for your precious little one! God’s got big things in store for your little man and you. I can feel it. God will get the glory and victory here!

  40. Kristin Sexton said

    A friend heard your story on KLOVE and sent us the link to your blog. Our son was diagnosed with HLHS just two days ago at 30 weeks pregnant. Just like you, we have no idea what we are naming our little guy and started looking for names that mean strong, brave and victorious this morning before ever reading your blog!! It’s amazing how God works!! I would love to talk and encourage one another during this time in our lives – so feel free to email me. We are anticipating delivery in Mid-June.

  41. Stacey4God said

    So, Bowen means Small Victorious One and Matthew means Gift from God. So, he will be a ‘Small, but Victorious Gift from God. Praying for this little guy. Believe in the Lord all you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest.

  42. Hi Matt & Sarah –

    My sister had heard about Bowen on Klove today and she knew of all people I would hopefully be able to give you faith & support and let you know that you all are not alone. My son Colt Samuel was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome on June 17 2008, he will be 2 in June and has successfully undergone 2 of the 3 reconstructive open heart surgeries. To look at this little boy, you would have never guessed he was born with only half a heart. There is not one day that I have not looked at Colt and felt the amazing love and power of God, Colt is a light. Bowen will be the same for you all.

    I am a huge fan of Santus Real, and looking back on when we found out about Colt’s Heart the song “I’m not alright” hit home and really put so much in perspective for me and my relationship with God. Everything that we have went through especially after finding out about Colt’s heart and each getting through each surgery has pulled me closer to him, my faith is unbreakable now.

    You all and little Bowen will be in my prayer through it all! If there is anything you all need at all, please let us know.

    Having a blog to let other knows what is going on is one of the best things you can do, because every single person that reads will pray for your family and Bowen, the power and strength you get from prayer is the most amazing gift.

    He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds
    Psalms 147:3

    Love & Prayers,
    Colt’s Mom Miss

  43. Vanessa said

    Praying for sweet Bowen!

  44. kim said

    Hi 🙂 i know this is one of the hardest times you may face!!! so my prayers are with your family and bowen! I have know way of knowing what fear you are facing it has to be unimaginable…. i will pray that God’s will be done!!! i remember begging and pleading with God to save my son almost 15 years ago when i lost him!!! But with out that loss i would have never gotten away from an abusive ex… and would not have been brought in touch with my husbands aunt who in turn got me to go to a church where the lord was and my kids would never have gone to youth group where now my daughter is going to into masters commision next year!!!! it was a the worst price to pay for freedom!!! but i remember seeing Jesus walking with my son on a beach at 3 am in the morning and i remember seeing my son listening intently to him tell my son stories…. before the doctors could tell me my son was dead i already knew…. God is so great i knew where my son was and is and it keeps me looking up!!!! what ever God wants for bowen it will be best for all!!! it may not feel like it at first but he knows what is best more then we will ever know!!!! love and grace to you all 🙂

  45. Tracy said

    I heard your story on K-love today and was so moved! God is so wonderful and little Bowen has a special purpose in this world! God bless your beautiful family.

  46. hannah said

    i just wanted to let you all know that i am and will be praying for you guys! i am soo sorry to hear what is going on..

  47. Janie Fox said

    Praying for you and baby Bowen.God hears your prayers and is with you. Isaiah 43:2-3

  48. Beth Bayless said

    Wow! We so understand about your child being under extreme circumstances! Our son who is 9 has recently had a seizure they did a CT Scan and found the unthinkable, 3 major strokes. He has always been very far behind a 4 year old trapped in a 9 year old’s body. But our God reigns and no matter why he made him that way that is exactly how he wants him nothing more and nothing less. We will pray for you and your family!

  49. Carolyn Wilkes said

    We feel that same way–that God knits us together. When our son was diagnosed 3 years ago with HLHS with an intact RA (Hypoplastic on the left, pulmonary blockage on the left), we found what has become one of the most powerful and meaningful verses. The verse is Ecclesiastes 11:5, “You do not know how the spirit works, or how the bones grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so you do not know the works of God who makes all.” That in conjunction with Jeremiah 29:11–“I have a plan for you…”–these little guys are such fighters! God has a plan and it has been awesome to see how our son’s birth defect and life has been used for His ministry and glory.

  50. Sarah said

    Little Bowen, and the rest of your wonderful family, are in my prayers, and my family’s also. Continually praying that god, would give you strength, show you mercy, and comfort you in time of hardship.


  51. Katie Roberts said

    Matt and Sarah,
    After hearing your story on K-LOVE I have been moved to pray for you and your family! My husband and I are expecting our first baby in August. Everytime my little boy kicks me, I pray for Bowen! I praying that God will have His will, and that He will help Bowen’s little heart to grow big enough for all of the wonderful things God has planned for him! We love you and we are joining you in prayer!

  52. Shelley said

    We are the parents of Landon, who is almost 7 and who was born with Tetralogy of Fallow. He had his first surgery at 4 months and an aortic valve replacement in Dec 2008. Heart kids are the most wonderful, special childern. Even though their hearts may be “broken”, God has put something extra special in there. We know several kiddos with heart defects, 2 with HLH. They are doing great. God will do that for Bowen too. We are praying for you, your family and baby Bowen.

  53. Megan said

    I heard about your blog on Air1. Our third daughter was born with a rare heart defect called Truncus Arteriosus. Our worlds were turned upside down when she was diagnosed, but no matter how bad things got with Bella we always praised God and gave him all the glory. We have seen so many miracles in Isabella’s 3 1/2 years of life. She is a testament to God’s everlasting love. Bowen will be in my daily prayers as well as your family. God Bless.

  54. Gina Grundy said

    The truth is, we all have things that we go through in our lives that we may not think are fair. God in His wisdom chooses to be more than fair…He chooses to be Faithful. My Pastor has been preaching on “Making Sense of Life, When life does not Make Sense. Go to our Church website and hear the messages. Gods lifetime guarantee….In The Meantime….The worst Day of your Life… and That’s Not Fair…http://www.therockvaldosta.org

  55. Paul said

    Dear Matthew & Family,

    May God be ever near to you and your family during this time that little Bowen is making his way into the world. I am trusting with you that our heavenly father is aware and in complete control of the situation, exercising His will accordingly. Your attitude of faith demonstrated in such a time is a great example for us all. It is exactly the attitude I believe the Lord wants from His followers. We thank you now Jesus for you have already answered before we even see he results.

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